Welcome to My Blog

What the hell is this?

It’s a blog. It’s my blog. I blog on it. This is where I’m going to blog about things I want to blog about.

Most of my content will likely be about technology (software, hardware, services, practices, etc.), patterns and trends in big tech (the good and the bad), and tutorials/how-tos when it comes to technologies and general ideas on how I personally use various tools and resources.

Other topics might be a mixed bag. Do you like picking, bypassing, and gutting locks? Producing and mixing music? Weird little microcontroller projects? How about modding OG Xboxes? Occasional rants? You name it, I’ll probably post about it.

If any of that sounds interesting to you, you’ve come to the right place. If only some of that sounds interesting to you, then check out the RSS feed linked at the bottom of the site and filter for your favorite topics instead.

Anyway thanks for visiting and reading. I hope to see you again soon.